Pipeline runs and Block runs data are stored in pipeline_run and block_run tables in the database. If you want to query the PipelineRun and BlockRun metadata, you can either directly query the data from database or use Python code to fetch PipelineRun and BlockRun models.

Query from DB

Here is the query from Postgres. You can adapt it to the syntax of other databases when needed.

FROM pipeline_run
WHERE pipeline_uuid = 'example_pipeline' -- Filter by pipeline_uuid
AND status = 'COMPLETED' -- Filter by status

Query DB models via Python

from mage_ai.orchestration.db import db_connection
from mage_ai.orchestration.db.models.schedules import PipelineRun, BlockRun


# Fetch running pipeline runs of a pipeline
pipeline_runs = PipelineRun.query.filter(
    # Filter by pipeline uuid
    PipelineRun.pipeline_uuid == 'example_pipeline',
    # Filter by status
    PipelineRun.status == PipelineRun.PipelineRunStatus.RUNNING,
    # Filter by execution_date
    PipelineRun.execution_date >= '2024-01-01',
    PipelineRun.execution_date < '2024-02-01',

# Get the block runs of a pipeline run
block_runs = pipeline_runs.all()[0].block_runs
print(f'Block runs: {[b.to_dict() for b in block_runs]}')

# Get pipeline run count
print(f'Number of pipeline runs {pipeline_runs.count()}')

# Batch update pipeline run status
PipelineRun.batch_update_status([p.id for p in pipeline_runs], PipelineRun.PipelineRunStatus.CANCELLED)