Push Docker Image to GCP Artifact Registry
While you may pull an image directly from Docker Hub, here are our legacy instructions for pushing a Docker image to GCP Artifact Registry:
Create a repository on GCP Artifact Registry by clicking the
button.- Fill in the Name
- Choose Docker as the Format
- Choose any Location type
- Choose any Encryption
- Click
Click on the newly created repository (e.g.
). -
Near the top of the page, click the link
or read these instructions to set up authentication for Docker.-
Run the following command in your terminal:
gcloud auth configure-docker [region]-docker.pkg.dev
An example command could look like this:
gcloud auth configure-docker us-west2-docker.pkg.dev
Pull the Mage Docker image:
docker pull mageai/mageai:latest
If your local workstation is using macOS and a silicon chip (e.g. M1, M2, etc), then run this command instead:
docker pull --platform linux/amd64 mageai/mageai:latest
Tag the pulled Mage docker image or use a previously tagged Docker image you built when following this CI/CD guide:
Sample commands if using vanilla Mage Docker image:
docker tag mageai/mageai:latest [region]-docker.pkg.dev/[project_id]/[repository]/mageai:latest
An example command could look like this:
docker tag mageai/mageai:latest us-west2-docker.pkg.dev/materia-284023/mage-docker/mageai:latest
Sample commands if using previously tagged a custom Docker image using the tag
:docker tag mageprod:latest [region]-docker.pkg.dev/[project_id]/[repository]/mageai:latest
An example command could look like this if you previously tagged your custom Docker image with the tag
:docker tag mageprod:latest us-west2-docker.pkg.dev/materia-284023/mage-docker/mageai:latest
Push the local Docker image to GCP Artifact Registry:
docker push [region]-docker.pkg.dev/[project_id]/[repository]/mageai:latest
An example command could look like this:
docker push us-west2-docker.pkg.dev/materia-284023/mage-docker/mageai:latest