Pages with customizable dashboards

  1. Project overview page (/overview?tab=Dashboard)
  2. Pipeline dashboard page (/pipelines/[:id]/dashboard)

Adding charts

  1. In the top right corner of the dashboard, click the button labeled + Add content.
  2. Click the dropdown option labeled Create new chart.

Configuring chart

Chart name

Human readable name for your chart.

Chart type

Choose from a variety of visualizations.

Bar chart


Line chart

Pie chart


Time series bar chart

Time series line chart

Data source

A chart has at least 1 data source. In the near future, a chart can have more than 1 data source.

Block data output (type)

Get the output data from a block in a specific pipeline.

Pipeline UUIDThe pipeline UUID the block belongs to.example_pipeline
Block UUIDThe block UUID you want data from.load_api_data
PartitionsEnter a positive or a negative number. If positive, then data from the block will be the most recent N partitions. If negative, then data from the block will be the oldest N partitions.3

Block runs (type)

Get data from all block runs or all block runs from a specific pipeline.

Custom code (type)

Define a function using the @data_source decorator that returns the data for your chart.

def d(*args, **kwargs):
    return [[dict(id=1), dict(id=2)]]

Pipelines (type)

Get data from all pipelines.

Pipeline runs (type)

Get data from all pipeline runs or all pipeline runs from a specific pipeline or all pipeline runs from a specific trigger.

Triggers (type)

Get data from all triggers or all triggers from a specific pipeline.

Refresh interval

How frequent do you want this chart to automatically fetch new data from its data source? Enter a number in milliseconds (e.g. 1000ms is 1 second).

Chart display settings

Group by columns

Select the column to group your data by.


AggregationAfter grouping the data by 1 or more columns, perform the following aggregation function on a column.Average
ColumnSelect the column to perform the aggregation function

Chart style

Some charts have multiple styles of the same visualization.

Sort direction

Some charts can sort the visualizations in ascending or descending order.

Number of buckets or slices

You can limit the number of buckets or slices that are displayed for some charts.

Time column

For the time series charts, you must choose which column contains the date or time value to group the data by.

Time interval

For the time series charts, you can choose how granular the interval is between each date or time values in the time column. For example, you can display your time series data on a daily basis or annual basis.

Custom code for chart

The following decorators can optionally be used to further customize your chart.


If the data source type is Custom code, then this function’s return value is the data that the chart will display.

However, if the data source type is anything else besides Custom code, then this function can be used for post processing of the data from the selected data source.

For example, let’s say the data source type is Block data output and the number of partitions is 2. The chart will retrieve the 2 most recent partitions of data from that block.

In the @data_source decorated function, you can write code to operate on 2 of those block output data:

from typing import List

def filter_data(block_data_ouput: List, **kwargs) -> List:
    df_partition_1, df_partition_2 = block_data_ouput

    df_1 = df_partition_1[df_partition_1['Age'] >= 21]
    df_2 = df_partition_2[df_partition_2['Age'] >= 21]

    return [df_1, df_2]


Write custom code to return the x values for your chart. X values typically contain the column that you group your data on.

For example, group pipelines by their type.

from typing import List

def some_columns(data_from_data_source, **kwargs) -> List:
    df_partition_1 = block_data_ouput[0]

    return df_partition_1.columns[:3]


Write custom code to return the y values for your chart. Y values typically contain the value for a group of rows.

For example, the number of pipelines that are data integration pipelines.

from typing import List

def number_of_data_integration_pipelines(data_from_data_source, **kwargs) -> List:
    df_partition_1 = block_data_ouput[0]

    count = len(df_partition_1[df_partition_1['type'] == 'data_integration'].index)

    return [count]


This function combines the purpose of @x and @y into 1 function. Use this function if you want to custom both the x and y values and you want to share the same variables defined within the function.

The difference is that you must return a tuple where the x values are 1st and the y values are 2nd.

from typing import List, Tuple

def columns_and_numbers(data_from_data_source, **kwargs) -> Tuple[List]:
    df_partition_1 = block_data_ouput[0]

    count = len(df_partition_1[df_partition_1['type'] == 'data_integration'].index)

    return df_partition_1.columns[:1], [count]


Each chart has a configuration dictionary that stores the chart settings. These chart settings are stored in a YAML file.

However, if you want to encode the configurations into the chart file and reuse the configurations in other dashboards, you can write a function that returns a dictionary that will be used to configure the chart.

from typing import Dict

def chart_settings(*args, **kwargs) -> Dict:
    return dict(
        chart_type='time series line chart',


In the chart settings, when choosing the group by columns, number columns, time column, metrics, etc., the chart must know about what available columns are selectable.

Typically, the chart will attempt to infer the columns from the data source. However, you can customize the logic of how the columns are inferred or which columns are available to select.

from typing import List

def some_columns(data_from_data_source, **kwargs) -> List:
    df_partition_1 = block_data_ouput[0]

    return df_partition_1.columns[:3]


Define a function that returns a Base64 string representation of a JPEG/JPG image, PNG image, or a complete HTML string (with html and body tags).

Render JPEG or JPG

import base64
import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# render_type can be 'jpeg' or 'jpg'
def r(*args, **kwargs):
    # creating the dataset
    data = {'C':20, 'C++':15, 'Java':30,
    courses = list(data.keys())
    values = list(data.values())

    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 5))

    # creating the bar plot, values, color ='maroon',
            width = 0.4)

    plt.xlabel("Courses offered")
    plt.ylabel("No. of students enrolled")
    plt.title("Students enrolled in different courses")

    my_stringIObytes = io.BytesIO()
    plt.savefig(my_stringIObytes, format='jpg')
    my_base64_jpgData = base64.b64encode(


    return my_base64_jpgData

Render PNG

import base64
import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def r(*args, **kwargs):
    t = np.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
    s = 1 + np.sin(2*np.pi*t)
    plt.plot(t, s)

    plt.xlabel('time (s)')
    plt.ylabel('voltage (mV)')
    plt.title('About as simple as it gets, folks')

    my_stringIObytes = io.BytesIO()
    plt.savefig(my_stringIObytes, format='png')
    my_base64_jpgData = base64.b64encode(


    return my_base64_jpgData

Render HTML

import plotly.graph_objects as go

def r(*args, **kwargs):
    fig = go.Figure(
        data=[go.Bar(y=[2, 1, 3])],
        layout_title_text="A Figure Displaying Itself"

    return fig.to_html(full_html=False)

Depending on which page you’re on, adding recommended charts will automatically configure and add a few charts to your dashboard with little effort.

The added charts will show visualizations with different chart types and various data sources.

Resize chart

When you resize a chart on the dashboard, you can change the width and height.


Set the width to a number. This number is divided by the sum of the width numbers from all the charts in the same row. The resulting number is the percentage of the row the chart will expand horizontally to.

For example, if you have a row with 5 charts and the 1st chart has a width of 6 and the other 4 charts have a width of 1, then the 1st chart will take up 60% of the entire row’s width.

Max width percentage

Even if a chart is to take up a large percentage of the row’s entire width, you can set a limit as to how wide the chart should be.

For example, in the above example the 1st chart should be 60% of the entire row’s width. However, you can set that chart’s max width percentage to 50 and the 1st chart will only expand to 50% of the row’s entire width.


Set this value to the number of pixels you want your chart to have in height.

Move chart

Click and hold down on a chart to begin dragging it. Then, drag the chart to move it and then release the click while on top of another chart to insert the initial chart after the chart that you dropped it on.

Remove chart

This will remove the chart from the current dashboard.

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