In addition to configuring triggers via UI, you can also configure triggers in code.

You can either manually define the triggers in code or you can go to the triggers detail page in the UI and click the button labeled Save trigger in code on the left side panel to store the current trigger’s settings to code.

Create and configure triggers

Here are the steps to create and configure triggers via code:

  1. Create a triggers.yaml file under your pipeline folder. The file path should be pipelines/[pipeline_uuid]/triggers.yaml.
  2. Enter your trigger configs into the triggers.yaml file.
    1. Content structure
      - name: test_trigger
        schedule_type: time
        start_time: 2023-01-01
        status: active
      - name: xxx
      - name: xxx
    2. Required trigger fields
      1. name: Unique identifier of the trigger
      2. schedule_type: time, api, or event
      3. schedule_interval: @once, @hourly, @daily, @weekly, @monthly, @always_on, or Cron syntax(* * * * *)
      4. start_time: The start time of the trigger (e.g. 2023-01-01)
    3. Optional trigger fields
      1. status: active or inactive
      2. variables: A dictionary of variables that’s associated with the trigger
      3. sla: SLA in seconds
      4. settings: a dictionary of advanced settings
        1. skip_if_previous_running: true/false
        2. allow_blocks_to_fail: true/false
        3. create_initial_pipeline_run: true/false
      5. envs: The environments that the trigger runs in. If envs is not set or empty, the trigger will run in all environments. The environment of the Mage app is set via ENV environment variable. Supported envs values: dev, staging, prod, test.
  3. Save the triggers.yaml file. The trigger configs will be synced to the triggers UI shortly.

Example triggers config:

- name: test_example_trigger
  schedule_type: time
  schedule_interval: "@daily"
  start_time: 2023-01-01
  status: active
- name: test_example_trigger_2
  schedule_type: time
  schedule_interval: "@hourly"
  start_time: 2023-03-01
  status: inactive
- name: test_example_trigger_with_extra_settings
  schedule_type: time
  schedule_interval: "@hourly"
  start_time: 2023-03-01
  status: inactive
    skip_if_previous_running: true
    allow_blocks_to_fail: true
  - prod
  - dev

Modify triggers

If an existing trigger is configured in the yaml file, any updates to it through the UI will also update trigger config in the yaml file. If you modify the trigger settings directly in the yaml, it will automatically update the trigger in the UI. The new trigger configs are synced to the triggers in UI.

Delete triggers

If you don’t want to use a trigger anymore, you can either update the trigger status to inactive or delete the trigger completely.

To delete the trigger completely, you can delete the trigger from the UI by clicking the delete button (with trash can icon) in the Pipeline triggers table (/pipeline/[pipeline_uuid]/triggers). This will also remove the trigger from the pipeline’s triggers.yaml config file.