
from mage_ai.orchestration.run_status_checker import check_status

if 'sensor' not in globals():
    from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import sensor

def check_condition(**kwargs) -> bool:
    Template code for checking if block or pipeline run completed.
    return check_status(
        block_uuid='block_uuid',  # optional if you want the sensor to wait on a specific block
        hours=24,  # optional if you want to check for a specific number of hours. Default is 24

Google BigQuery

from mage_ai.settings.repo import get_repo_path
from import BigQuery
from import ConfigFileLoader
from os import path

if 'sensor' not in globals():
    from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import sensor

def query_bigquery_and_check_condition(**kwargs) -> bool:
    Template code for checking the results of a BigQuery query.
    Specify your configuration settings in 'io_config.yaml'.

    Return: True if the sensor should complete, False if it should
    keep waiting

    config_path = path.join(get_repo_path(), 'io_config.yaml')
    config_profile = 'default'

    query = 'Your BigQuery query'  # Specify your SQL query here

    loader = BigQuery.with_config(ConfigFileLoader(config_path, config_profile))
    df = loader.load(query)

    # Add your checks here
    if df.empty:
        return False

    return True


from mage_ai.settings.repo import get_repo_path
from import ConfigFileLoader
from import MySQL
from os import path

if 'sensor' not in globals():
    from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import sensor

def query_mysql_and_check_condition(**kwargs) -> bool:
    Template code for checking the results of a MySQL query.
    Specify your configuration settings in 'io_config.yaml'.

    Return: True if the sensor should complete, False if it should
    keep waiting

    config_path = path.join(get_repo_path(), 'io_config.yaml')
    config_profile = 'default'

    query = 'Your MySQL query'  # Specify your SQL query here

    with MySQL.with_config(
            ConfigFileLoader(config_path, config_profile)) as loader:
        df = loader.load(query)

        # Add your checks here
        if df.empty:
            return False

    return True


from mage_ai.settings.repo import get_repo_path
from import ConfigFileLoader
from import Postgres
from os import path

if 'sensor' not in globals():
    from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import sensor

def query_postgres_and_check_condition(**kwargs) -> bool:
    Template code for checking the results of a Postgres query.
    Specify your configuration settings in 'io_config.yaml'.

    Return: True if the sensor should complete, False if it should
    keep waiting

    config_path = path.join(get_repo_path(), 'io_config.yaml')
    config_profile = 'default'

    query = 'Your Postgres query'  # Specify your SQL query here

    with Postgres.with_config(
            ConfigFileLoader(config_path, config_profile)) as loader:
        df = loader.load(query)

        # Add your checks here
        if df.empty:
            return False

    return True

Amazon Redshift

from mage_ai.settings.repo import get_repo_path
from import ConfigFileLoader
from import Redshift
from os import path

if 'sensor' not in globals():
    from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import sensor

def query_redshift_and_check_condition(**kwargs) -> bool:
    Template code for checking the results of a Redshift query.
    Specify your configuration settings in 'io_config.yaml'.

    Return: True if the sensor should complete, False if it should
    keep waiting

    config_path = path.join(get_repo_path(), 'io_config.yaml')
    config_profile = 'default'

    query = 'Your Redshift query'  # Specify your SQL query here

    with Redshift.with_config(
            ConfigFileLoader(config_path, config_profile)) as loader:
        df = loader.load(query)

        # Add your checks here
        if df.empty:
            return False

    return True

Amazon S3

from mage_ai.settings.repo import get_repo_path
from import ConfigFileLoader
from import S3
from os import path

if 'sensor' not in globals():
    from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import sensor

def check_condition(**kwargs) -> bool:
    Template code for checking if a file or folder exists in a S3 bucket

    You will also need to fill out the following AWS related fields
    in `io_config.yaml`:
        - AWS_REGION

    config_path = path.join(get_repo_path(), 'io_config.yaml')
    config_profile = 'default'

    bucket_name = 'your_bucket_name'
    s3_path = 'path/to/folder/or/file'

    config_file_loader = ConfigFileLoader(config_path, config_profile)
    return S3.with_config(config_file_loader).exists(
        bucket_name, s3_path

Google Cloud Storage

from mage_ai.settings.repo import get_repo_path
from import ConfigFileLoader
from import GoogleCloudStorage
from os import path

if 'sensor' not in globals():
    from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import sensor

def check_condition(*args, **kwargs) -> bool:
    Template code for checking if a file or folder exists in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
    Specify your configuration settings in 'io_config.yaml'.


    config_path = path.join(get_repo_path(), 'io_config.yaml')
    config_profile = 'default'

    bucket_name = 'your_bucket_name'
    object_key = 'your_object_key'

    return GoogleCloudStorage.with_config(ConfigFileLoader(config_path, config_profile)).exists(


from mage_ai.settings.repo import get_repo_path
from import ConfigFileLoader
from import Snowflake
from os import path

if 'sensor' not in globals():
    from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import sensor

def query_snowflake_and_check_condition(**kwargs) -> bool:
    Template code for checking the results of a Snowflake query.
    Specify your configuration settings in 'io_config.yaml'.

    Return: True if the sensor should complete, False if it should
    keep waiting

    config_path = path.join(get_repo_path(), 'io_config.yaml')
    config_profile = 'default'

    query = 'Your Snowflake query'  # Specify your SQL query here

    with Snowflake.with_config(
            ConfigFileLoader(config_path, config_profile)) as loader:
        df = loader.load(query)

        # Add your checks here
        if df.empty:
            return False

    return True