

Download Mage maintained Terraform scripts.

Terraform plan

You can run the following command to see all the resources that will be created by Terraform:

terraform plan

1. Configure access token

Generate DigitalOcean access token by following the guide:

Set the token in DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable

2. Create ssh key

Create ssh key with command: ssh-keygen. In the file ./digitalocean/, update the value of ssh_pub_key to your path of public key.

3. Customize Terraform settings

Application name (optional)

In the file ./digitalocean/, you can change the default application name that will appear in DigitalOcean:

variable "app_name" {
  type        = string
  description = "Application Name"
  default     = "mage-data-prep"

Region (optional)

In the file ./digitalocean/, you can change the region:

variable "region" {
  type        = string
  description = "Region of the datacenters"
  default     = "sfo3"


Other variables defined in ./digitalocean/ can also be customized to your needs.

4. Provision resources

Using CLI

  1. Change directory into scripts folder:
    cd digitalocean
  2. Initialize Terraform:
    terraform init
  3. Deploy:
    terraform apply

Once it’s finished deploying, you can get the IP from the output.

5. Run app in the provisioned Droplet

SSH into the instance: ssh -i [path_to_private_key] root@[ip]

Run command to start Mage app in :

docker run -d -p 6789:6789 -v $(pwd):/home/src mageai/mageai /app/ mage start default_repo

To update Mage to latest version, you can pull latest docker image with command:

docker pull mageai/mageai:latest

Then, just restart the Mage app with the same docker run command above.

6. Open browser with Mage

Once you’ve launched the Droplet and started Mage, you can access Mage from your web browser by entering the following:


Change the IP to match the IP of your Droplet and the port that you’re using for Mage.


Terminate all resources

If you want to delete all resources created from deploying, run the following command:

terraform destroy

A sample output could look like this:

Destroy complete! Resources: 10 destroyed.