
Create notification_config

In the root of your project’s folder (e.g. default_repo/), open the file metadata.yaml.

Project folder name

If you initialized Mage using a different project name, then your root folder will be named differently. default_repo is the default project name if you didn’t customize it.

In the default_repo/metadata.yaml file, add a section with the following configuration or update the existing notification_config section:

    - trigger_failure
    - trigger_passed_sla

If you omit the alert_on section it will default to trigger_failure and trigger_passed_sla.


  • trigger_failure: alert when a run of a trigger fails
  • trigger_success: alert when a run of a trigger succeeds
  • trigger_passed_sla: alert when a run of a trigger passes sla

Configure email settings

In the default_repo/metadata.yaml file, add a section with the following configuration or update the existing notification_config section:

    smtp_host: ...
    smtp_mail_from: ...
    smtp_user: ...
    smtp_password: ...

Change the values for each key under the email_config section.

Customize message templates

You can customize message templates in notification_config. Here is an example config:

      title: Failed to execute pipeline {pipeline_uuid} at {execution_time}
      details: >
        Failed to execute pipeline {pipeline_run_url}.
        Pipeline uuid: {pipeline_uuid}. Trigger name: {pipeline_schedule_name}.
        Test custom message.
      title: ...
      details: ...
      title: ...
      details: ...

You can customize the message template for success, failure, passed_sla scenarios. For each message template, you can specify title and either summary or details.

  • title is used in email subject
  • If you specify the summary, the email body will be your summary + the url of the pipeline run page
  • If you specify the details, the details will be used as your email body

To interpolate variables in the message template, you can use {variable_name} syntax. Here are the supported variables:

  1. execution_time
  2. pipeline_run_url
  3. pipeline_schedule_id
  4. pipeline_schedule_name
  5. pipeline_schedule_description
  6. pipeline_uuid
  7. error
    • available only for the failure message template
  8. stacktrace
    • available only for the failure message template

For pipeline_run_url, the default host is http://localhost:6789. You can specify MAGE_PUBLIC_HOST to be the host url you want to use in the notification messages.

What next?

Whenever a pipeline run is successfully completed or fails, an email will be delivered to all the inboxes listed under to_emails.

Here is an example of what an email could look like:

Successfully ran Pipeline example_pipeline with Trigger 79 hourly_trigger at execution time 2022-09-28 19:00:00.
Open http://localhost:6789/pipelines/example_pipeline/triggers/79 to check pipeline run results and logs.