Pipeline sidekick
Have you ever wished you had a sidekick like Batman and Robin? Now you have one.
The Pipeline sidekick appears when you edit a pipeline.
In the top right corner of the page, click the Chevron
or Arrow
looking icon to expand
the right panel and reveal the Sidekick.
Visualize block output data
Add 1 or multiple charts to visualize the data produced by a block.
Read more about how to create entire dashboards for an individual pipeline or for the entire project.
Configure pipeline variables
Use variables in your code and interpolate them at runtime. These variables can be defined at the moment the pipeline is triggered or pre-configured from the Sidekick.
Store sensitive secrets
Secrets don’t make friends… but they save companies from oblivion.
Customize settings for every individual block
- Rename a block
- Set what execution engine the block should use
- Configure how the block should retry itself in case of failure
- Set a timeout limit for how long the block can run before it should fail
- Configure variables specific to a block
- View which pipelines are currently using a block
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