How to show the file browser

  1. When editing a pipeline, expand the left side panel to show the file browser.
  2. Go to the Files page http://localhost:6789/files.
  3. Launch the Text Editor application.

Right click menu


  • Rename file
  • Move file
  • Download file
  • Delete file


  • Open all files in the immediate directory
  • New folder
  • Rename folder
  • Move folder
  • Delete folder
  • Upload files
  • Expand all subfolders
  • Collapse all subfolders
  • New Mage project
  • New dbt project

File versions

When you save a file after making a change, a new file version is created and stored locally.

You can undo any change to a file by reverting to a previous version (this is different than git).

Read more here.

Hidden files

The file browser will hide hidden folders and files by default. You can show them by toggling the option Show hidden files under the View menu dropdown options.

Show blocks in current pipeline

When editing a pipeline, you can switch the file browser view to show only the blocks in the current pipeline.

After toggling this view, you can select which blocks to collapse and which to expand. This can help optimize vertical screen space while writing code.

Block files used/unused by pipelines

Requires version 0.9.63 or greater.

You can tell if a block is being used by a pipeline (or not used by any pipelines) by looking at the related block file’s icon in the file browser. This is a quick way for users to see which block files are currently being used by any pipeline; the specific pipeline using a block file is not indicated in the file browser.

You need to be viewing the file browser in the Files (/files) and Pipeline Editor (/pipelines/[pipeline_uuid]/edit) pages specifically. Other pages, modals, or components that have a file browser may not have this feature.

Applicable block directories: callbacks, conditionals, custom, data_exporters, data_loaders, dbt, extensions, markdowns, scratchpads, sensors, and transformers

Block file states

There are three different states for a block file in the file browser that can affect the icon in front of the block filename and the filename font color. Note that the square icons can be different colors depending on which block directory it is.

  1. Used by exactly one pipeline - Filled square icon. For example in the screenshot above, and are used by a single pipeline.
  2. Used by more than one pipeline - Unfilled cyan diamond icon and filename with cyan font color. In the screenshot above, amazon_s3.yaml and ancient_pine.yaml are used by multiple pipelines.
  3. Not used by any pipeline - Unfilled square icon. For example in the screenshot above, is not used by any pipeline.

Unused block files

If you specifically want to view the block files that are not being used by any pipeline, you can apply the “Unused block files” filter found in the file search input at the top of the file browser. Non-block files may still be visible when this filter is applied.

Display files by type

The feature is currently only available in the Text Editor application

Instead of viewing all files grouped by its parent directory, you can toggle a different view that shows these files flattened and then grouped by its file extension type.

This can help browse relevant files faster since you don’t have to dig into each folder to find the file you’re looking for.