The following procedure demonstrates how to run dbt-spark with a pySpark session.

  1. Build a Mage docker image with Spark following the instructions given at Build Mage docker image with Spark environment.

  2. Run the following command in your terminal to start Mage using docker:

docker run -it --name mage_spark -p 6789:6789 -v $(pwd):/home/src mage_spark \
  /app/ mage start demo_project
  1. Create a new pipeline with a name dbt_spark, and add a Scratchpad to test out the connection with PySpark, with the following code:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import os

spark = SparkSession.builder.master(os.getenv('SPARK_MASTER_HOST', 'local')).getOrCreate()

spark.sql("show databases;")

It should return results similar to the following when running:

[Stage 0:>                                                          
(0 + 1) / 1]

0 default
PySpark Scratchpad results
  1. Click the Terminal icon on the right side of the Mage UI, and create a dbt project spark_demo, with the following commands:
root@488dc9529cf3:/home/src#  cd demo_project/dbt
root@488dc9529cf3:/home/src#  dbt init spark_demo -s
root@488dc9529cf3:/home/src#  touch spark_demo/profiles.yml
  1. On the left side of the page in the file browser, expand the folder demo_project/dbt/spark_demo/. Click the file named profiles.yml, and add the following settings to this file:
  target: dev
      type: spark
      method: session
      schema: default
      host: local
  1. Save the profiles.yml file by pressing Command (⌘) + S, then close the file by pressing the X button on the right side of the file name dbt/spark_demo/profiles.yml.

  2. Click the button dbt model, and choose the option New model. Enter model_1 as the Model name, and spark_demo/models/example as the folder location.

  3. In the dbt block named model_1, next to the label Target at the top, choose dev in the dropdown list. You can also check Manually enter target, and enter dev in the input field.

  4. Paste the following SQL into the dbt block model_1:

{{ config(materialized='table') }}

with source_data as (

    select 1 as id
    union all
    select null as id


select *
from source_data

Click the Compile & preview button to execute this new model, which would generate the results similar to the following:

dbt-spark testing results