Mage will look for a file named profiles.yml located in your dbt project root folder.

For example, if your Mage project is named demo_project and your dbt project name is demo, then your profiles.yml file for that dbt project should be located in demo_project/dbt/demo/profiles.yml.

If you have a 2nd dbt project (e.g. named example), the connection profiles for that project should be located in demo_project/dbt/example/profiles.yml.

For more information on how to configure your connection profiles, read dbt’s documentation.

Using Mage, you may also interpolate variables in your connection profiles.

How connection profiles are used

When you run a single dbt model or selected dbt models, there is an input field labeled dbt profile target. The value in that field will be the connection profile target that Mage uses when running a dbt model block.

The command Mage executes is dbt run with the flag --target and the value of that flag is the value from the input field labeled dbt profile target.