Status and metrics for an individual run of a pipeline.
Pipeline run object
Backfill that this run belongs to.
The block runs for this specific pipeline run.
Number of block runs for this pipeline run.
Date and time the pipeline run finished running successfully.
Date and time the pipeline run was created.
When pipeline run is triggered from an API request, the API request payload is saved in the
pipeline run’s event_variables
Date and time the pipeline run started running.
ID of pipeline run.
Various metrics related to the pipeline run; e.g. number of rows processed in a data integration pipeline sync.
Whether or not the pipeline run has passed the configured SLA.
Pipeline schedule ID that this pipeline run belongs to.
Name of the pipeline schedule this pipeline run belongs to.
Unique token of the pipeline schedule that this pipeline run belongs to.
Pipeline schedule type that this pipeline run belongs to.
Pipeline UUID that this pipeline run belongs to.
, running
, completed
, failed
, cancelled
Date and time the pipeline run record was most recently updated.
Object containing variables for the pipeline that is being overwritten by this pipeline run.
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