Location of pipeline configuration

Each pipeline in Mage has a metadata.yaml configuration file located in the pipeline uuid’s folder under the pipelines directory. For example, if you had a pipeline with uuid charismatic_inventor, the folder structure for that pipeline might look something like this:

├─ pipelines/
│  ├─ charismatic_inventor/
│  │  ├─ __init__.py
│  │  ├─ interactions.yaml
│  │  ├─ metadata.yaml
│  │  ├─ triggers.yaml
├ ...

Override pipeline config based on environment

In the pipeline’s metadata.yaml config file, add an overrides key at the top-level (no indentations) with the name of your environment (e.g. prod, dev, test) under the overrides key and indented once. Then under the environment name key, add the properties of your base pipeline config that you want to override. Make sure the indentations of the properties match those of the base config. Any environment-specific overrides will REPLACE the matching property in the base config, so be careful when overriding properties with nested values.

The environment name should match the environment defined in the ENV environment variable.

Example pipeline config file with environment overrides

# your_project/pipelines/charismatic_inventor/metadata.yaml
- all_upstream_blocks_executed: true
  color: null
    disable_output_preview: false
      path: data_loaders/load_titanic.py
    sample_count_preview: 0
  - starry_forest
  executor_config: null
  executor_type: local_python
  has_callback: false
  language: python
  name: load_titanic
  retry_config: {}
  status: executed
  timeout: null
  type: data_loader
  upstream_blocks: []
  uuid: load_titanic
- all_upstream_blocks_executed: true
  color: null
    sample_count_preview: 8
  downstream_blocks: []
  executor_config: null
  executor_type: local_python
  has_callback: false
  language: python
  name: starry forest
  retry_config: {}
  status: executed
  timeout: null
  type: custom
  - load_titanic
  uuid: starry_forest
cache_block_output_in_memory: false
callbacks: []
  pipeline_run_limit: 5
  pipeline_run_limit_all_triggers: 5
conditionals: []
created_at: '2024-09-27 23:18:10.554952+00:00'
data_integration: null
description: null
executor_config: {}
executor_count: 1
executor_type: null
extensions: {}
name: charismatic inventor
notification_config: {}
remote_variables_dir: null
retry_config: {}
run_pipeline_in_one_process: false
  triggers: null
spark_config: {}
state_store_config: {}
tags: []
type: python
uuid: charismatic_inventor
variables_dir: /root/.mage_data/default_repo
widgets: []

      pipeline_run_limit: 10
      pipeline_run_limit_all_triggers: 20
    description: Overridden description for charismatic inventor in prod
      pipeline_run_limit: 1
      pipeline_run_limit_all_triggers: 1
    description: Overridden description for charismatic inventor in dev

In the example above when in the dev environment, the pipeline’s configuration property of concurrency_config will have its pipeline_run_limit and pipeline_run_limit_all_triggers properties overridden to be 1 (instead of 5 as defined in the base config). The description property will also be overridden to be Overridden description for charismatic inventor in dev instead of null.

Similarly for the prod environment, pipeline_run_limit will be replaced with 10 and pipeline_run_limit_all_triggers with 20. The description property will be overridden to be Overridden description for charismatic inventor in prod. Other environments (not dev or prod) will not utilize the overrides section.